Thursday 1 March 2007

The Failsafe Nigella Lawson Heterosexuality Test

As conceived by Morgan and I, in all its elegant simplicity, The Failsafe Nigella Lawson Heterosexuality Test. Without further ado:

Do you find yourself enjoying watching Nigella Lawson? If you're unfamiliar with the show, simply ask yourself "Does Nigella look attractive in the above photo?"

If you answered yes to either or both questions and are female, well sorry, but... (I edited out everything that followed- it's better that way). Good news is that Mardi Gras is on this Saturday and if you hurry, you can still get on a float.

If you answered yes to either or both questions and are male, well, you're rampantly, hot-bloodedly heterosexual. Just don't expect to have a Nigella of your own any time soon because...

Real non-celluloid women DON'T spend this much time sensually licking fingers, spoons, edibles and passers-by while cooking... ok?

But perhaps we should learn? Get back in the kitchen, girls, and get lickin'. That'll get you a man!

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