Thursday, 15 March 2007

Why I love working with fly shit.

I can only assume that this must be World Angry Week, as even my very sweet friend Space Girl Princess seems to be suffering from a case of the Angries this week, as she reported in her yesterday's blog. Can anyone else confirm that it's World Angry Week?

Well, SGP, fear not, as Dr VonWoof has truly been wearing her leather bitch pants this week (and they're chafing!). She may even be in the running for Miss Bitch 2007. (Take that and run with it, Miss Slough 2007).

Today I wandered into a group of colleagues discussing just how horribly unpleasant a client was, and one said (jokingly, I assume, as I was obviously a part of said conversation) "well, on a VonWoof scale she was only a five, but...".

But frankly they had me worried.

Because I really have reached the point of no return with my job (not the dominatrix one...). Just suddenly, I feel like I'm drowning under the weight of all the abortions that I have produced over the past few years.

*** DISCLAIMER *** Before you all jump on me... I meant it METAPHORICALLY, ok? They're only ads... lousy ones... not dead babies.

See? I'm so brainwashed I'm even putting disclaimers on my blog. Only in "the business", we call disclaimers "fly shit". You can figure out why, I'm sure.

Anyway, my days consist of pouring love and hope and trust into briefs, and then watching (in turn), the creative director, account service person, chief operations officer, managing director, client, client's client, client's lawyer, our lawyer, 5 focus groups and any passers-by turn my little bit of sweetness in to a lairy, starburst-covered, fly shit coated abortion with two oversized packshots and a coupon.

And then sitting there listening to all above parties patting each other on the back for raising "creative standards".

And when it's 5-10 jobs at once and all those people keep inserting their two cents simultaneously on all of them, suddenly I can feel something short circuit in my brain and AAAARRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Miss SGP, worry not, I've got the Angries too. I can only assume it's contagious.

A note on the lovely artwork - it's the anti-valentine I gave to Charlie this year. Seemed to sort of maybe kinda tangentially relate. Kinda? [NOTE: I can't seem to be able to upload the anti-valentine! Augh! Will rectify ASAP!!!] [SOLVED! YAY]

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