Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Rainy day pome

No photos, I'm afraid, as my camera's broken. But instead, here's some mightily lousy verse... try the theatre of the mind instead.

When it rains the domain doesn’t drain

Setting sail from atop the gutter
a small striped craft begins to putter
skimming the grass aside the path
tacking about a puddle, deep as a bath

And Avast!
a glimpse of sturdy mast
cutting through the gusting gale
a galleon in full Armani sail!

Raise the flag! Salute his mighty main
fellow man traversing this sodden terrain
united are we in our travails
yet without pleasantry on he sails

O, such unfriendly inhabitants
inhabit these flooded isles
as scarce as the weakling sun
are the friendly smiles

Shoes become boats, clothes a second skin
the path has sunk, there’s no choice but to swim
reaching the curb one must explain…
when it rains the domain doesn’t drain